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This schedule does not authorize disposition of the types of records listed below.
- Records unique to an agency. This general schedule authorizes disposition of records that are common to most or all agencies. Records created or maintained by agencies that concern specific or unique agency responsibilities, missions or functions are not included in this schedule. Instead, agencies should develop agency-specific retention schedules for such records. State Archives staff can advise and assist in preparing such records retention and disposition schedules.
- Records that are included in this schedule but are also approved for disposition by agency-specific schedules. When an agency-specific schedule covers records that are also included in this general schedule, the agency-specific schedule takes precedence in authorizing records disposition. However, an agency may choose to cancel such alternative schedules by notifying the State Archives, so that applicable general schedule items can then be used to guide and authorize records disposition.
- Records created or maintained by control and service agencies that are used to carry out or document governmentwide approval, control, audit, or oversight responsibilities, or to provide centralized services to other agencies. These control and service agencies are identified in the introductions to each major section of the schedule or in the Records Not Covered section of a schedule item.
- Records being used for audits or legal actions. Records being used for audits or legal actions must be kept until the audit is satisfied or the legal action ends, even if their minimum retention period has passed.
- Original records that are microfilmed, scanned for storage on a digital imaging system, or are otherwise migrated to other media before the minimum retention period has passed. If an agency wishes to retain records on microfilm, as digital images, or on alternate media in lieu of the originals, the agency Records Management Officer must submit a separate records disposition request to the State Archives before destroying original records. Review and approval of the request ensures that the original records will not be needed for legal, audit, or historical purposes and that the newer media versions will meet all necessary retention needs.
- Records that are subject to specific state or federal retention requirements longer than the retention periods authorized in this schedule. Agencies must make certain that the retention periods in this schedule are sufficient to meet applicable audit, reporting, or records retention requirements for any programs that are subject to state or federal government audits or oversight. If longer retention periods are needed to meet state or federal requirements, then agencies must submit separate records disposition requests for such records.
Last updated
Wed, 2015-10-07 14:28