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Award Notification and Project Management

Where do I send my final reports?

That depends on the form. Most final reports and forms are completed and submitted within the eGrants system. Once you have completed the final project budget, the Final Expenditure Report (FS-10-F) must be printed, signed and submitted to the State Archives. You must submit three (3) copies of the form with original signature in blue ink to:
New York State Archives
Grants Administration Unit
Cultural Education Center, Room 9A81
Albany, NY 12230

Can I transfer funds from one budget category to another during the grant year? If so, what is the process and timeline?

Local governments can transfer funds if the change doesn't violate the original intent of the grant award, if they justify the request in writing, and if the change is consistent with the FS-10-A (Project Amendment) instructions. The local government must first gain approval from its State Archives Records Advisory Officer, and then complete and submit before June 1 the online Budget Amendment Summary (BAS).