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Donating Materials to a Historical Repository

Many items in your personal collection may be especially meaningful to you and your family and friends, and you will want to keep them. But some items, or a collection of items, may also be of great interest to others, because they help tell part of a larger story. If you have particular items, or whole collections, that might contribute to the historical record of your region or state, these items may be meaningful to others in your community and beyond. You may want to consider donating them to a historical records repository, such as a historical society, archives, museum, or library. The New York State Archives is unable to accept donations from private individuals or organizations but we are happy to assist you with finding an appropriate repository for your collection. Email for assistance.

For more Information "A Guide to Deeds of Gift"is a small brochure from the Society of American Archivists that explains this important document, which is required when donating any kind of item to a repository.