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Application Review and Awards

The New York State Education Department’s (NYSED) annual appropriation for DHP includes $92,000 for DHP Grants. DHP is administered by the New York State Archives, a unit of the New York State Education Department.

When evaluating applications, reviewers base their recommendations on the Project narrative (including the Project Description, Outcomes and Evaluation, Project Implementation, and Organizational Capacity) and on the Project Budget. The highest score an application can receive is 100 points. A grant must score a minimum of 60 points to be considered for funding. Awards will be made in the order of score ranking until the available funds are depleted. NYSED anticipates that higher-scoring applications will be more likely to be fully funded (less any unallowable costs), while lower-scoring applications will be more likely to receive partial funding.

More detailed information about  DHP Grants application review criteria is available in the DHP Grant Guidelines and Resources and our Frequently Asked Questions.

Grant award notifications will be emailed to all applicants. These notifications will be issued once the review of all applications is completed and all necessary approvals are in place. If the applicant receives modified or no funding, a summary of reviewers’ decision notes will be included with the notification letter.