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Records Management Publications

These publications and topical guides provide in-depth material on various records management topics. You can browse the full list or filter by a specific topic. If you don't see what you are looking for, email us at

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Title Description File or Web Page Records Management Topic Revised Published
A Guide to Documenting Environmental Affairs in New York State

Explains how to document environmental affairs. Suggests documentation priorities and provides examples of projects.
41 pages

Historical Records 2001
A Manual for Documentation Planning in New York State

Presents a method for planning the documentation of important topics in New York history on a statewide or regional basis.
34 pages

Historical Records 2010 2002
Acetate Microfilm

Provides a concise fact sheet regarding acetate-based film.
3 pages

Imaging and Microfilming, Microfilming 2003
Administration of Inactive Records

Outlines and describes the steps necessary to ensure efficient and effective operation of inactive records storage.

23 pages

Inactive Records 1996
Appraisal of Local Government Records for Historical Value

Gives local officials a general understanding of how to identify, evaluate, and select records that have ongoing historical value.
39 pages

Historical Records, Appraisal, Retention and Disposition 1996
Archival Needs Assessment Guidelines and Template

Provides a framework for the assessment of and planning for an archival program.
18 pages

Historical Records, Program Administration 2001
Archives Month Action Guide

Suggests ideas for Archives Month activities and provides helpful guidance about how to increase media coverage of Archives Month events.
23 pages

Outreach 2011 2000
Conducting Needs Assessments for New Recordkeeping Systems

Provides general advice on when and how to conduct a needs assessment for implementing a new recordkeeping system. A recordkeeping system can be any paper, electronic, micrographic, or hybrid system designed to create, store, and manage records.
34 pages

Questions for IT, Active Records, Inventory, Policies and Procedures 2003
Criteria for Selecting Records for Conservation Treatment

Outlines a series of questions to ask to determine whether or not conservation is an appropriate preservation option.
5 pages

Collections Management, Historical Records, Program Administration 2001
Developing a Policy for Managing Email

These guidelines are intended as a starting point for state agencies and local governments to use for writing policies and procedures that will guide a program for managing email. Agencies and governments should adapt the guidelines to meet their own needs and capabilities, and continue to update their policies on an as-needed basis.
66 pages

Electronic Records, Email, Policies and Procedures 2023
Digital Imaging Guidelines

These guidelines list the minimal standards for producing and inspecting digital images of records.
41 pages

Indexing, Imaging and Microfilming 2022 2022
Disaster Recovery Project Application Guidelines Disaster Management, Disaster Planning, Disaster Recovery 2022
Documentary Heritage Program Grant Guidelines

Provides instruction to not-for-profits on how to apply for a Documentary Heritage Program (DHP) grant. 

Historical Records 2024
Documentation Basics: A Guide to Planning and Managing Documentation Projects

Documentation is the process of locating, identifying, and acquiring unique, historical records that are not yet in a historical records repository.
81 pages

Historical Records 2003
Electronic Records Disaster Preparedness and Recovery

Information on disaster preparedness and recovery for government electronic records.

Electronic Records Disaster Preparedness and Recovery Disaster Management, Disaster Planning, Disaster Recovery, Questions for IT 2012
Fire Suppression for Records and Archives

Learn about fire suppression tools and techniques.

Fire Suppression for Records and Archives Disaster Management, Disaster Planning, Inactive Records 2013
Fundamentals of Managing Local Government Archival Records

Provides an overview of archival principles and suggests core archival activities that local governments may undertake.
21 pages

Collections Management, Historical Records, Program Administration 1995
Funding for Non-Profit / Non-Government Organizations with Damaged Collections Funding for Non-Profit / Non-Government Organizations with Damaged Collections Disaster Recovery 2012
General Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York State Government Records, Effective September 2016

This publication provides authorizations for state agencies to dispose of common administrative records following a minimum retention period.
108 pages

Retention and Disposition 2016
Guidelines for Choosing Records Management Software

Explains how different software products can help manage records more effectively, including software that maintains records inventories, tracks inactive records, and improves access to active records.
11 pages

Inactive Records, Inventory 2002
Guidelines for Storage of Inactive Government Records

This publication focuses on the administration and storage of inactive records in an inactive storage area or facility, outside of active office space. 

Inactive Records 2021
Guidelines for the Management of State Agency Executive Office Records

Outlines the responsibilities that state agencies have for managing their most important administrative records and indicates who state agency staff should call for records management advice and services.
4 pages

Active Records, Retention and Disposition 2010
Historical Records and the Local Government Historian

Suggests ways that local government historians can use their specialized knowledge and interests to encourage and support records management and historical records programs that are adequate to the needs of local governments and their constituents.
10 pages

Historical Records 2004
Insurance Coverage for Records and Data

Learn about insurance coverage for records and data.

Insurance Coverage for Records and Data Disaster Management, Disaster Planning, Inventory 2016
Intrinsic Value of Local Government Archival Records

Explains the characteristics that give records intrinsic value.
Published 2002
3 pages

Historical Records, Program Administration 2002
Inventory and Planning: The First Steps in Records Management

Explains the value and uses of a records inventory, provides a step-by-step explanation of how to conduct an inventory, and shows how to develop a simple plan to guide the development of a records management program.
36 pages

Inventory 2003
Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Disaster Recovery Guidelines

Contact your Records Advisory Officer to obtain information on how to apply for a Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund (LGRMIF) Disaster Recovery Grant.

Local Government Records Management Improvement Fund Disaster Recovery Guidelines Disaster Management, Disaster Recovery, LGRMIF Grant Program
Local Government Records Useful in Family History Research

Describes local government record series that are valuable for genealogical research.
25 pages

Historical Records, Program Administration 2024
Managing Imaging Projects

Details the steps to follow to ensure a successful imaging project. Includes an imaging form to collect project data and samples to develop technical specifications and a contract.

50 pages


Imaging, Microfilming 2022
New York Documentation Topics Framework

A comprehensive and suggestive list for organizing the range of possible topics to document in New York history and culture. The subtopics and examples suggest the scope of the topics but are not meant to be exhaustive.
6 pages

Historical Records 2013
Preparing for the Worst: Managing Records Disasters

Describes the steps necessary to anticipate, prevent, plan for, and recover from a disaster affecting records in any format. It includes a sample disaster management plan, data collection forms, and specific steps for responding to a disaster.
58 pages

Disaster Management, Disaster Recovery 2004
Quality Control and Content Verification of Digital Images

This Advisory must be used in conjunction with the New York State Archives Digital Imaging Guidelines
3 pages

Indexing, Imaging and Microfilming 2020 2014
Reclaiming Alienated Records

Defines alienated records and lists steps to take when you discover that the records of your local government or state agency may be in the custody of another person or organization.

Reclaiming Alienated Records Historical Records, Program Administration 2011
Records Advisory Boards

Information about how these boards can guide the records management program.

Records Advisory Boards Outreach, Program Administration 2012
Records Management Consultants for Local Governments

Provides advice and guidance to state agencies, local governments, and historical societies that are considering the employment of consultants.
24 pages

Program Administration 2000
Records Retention and Disposition Schedule - Election Records

Government Records Management Information Series. Records Retention and Disposition Schedule for use by New York County Boards of Elections
24 pages

Retention and Disposition 1996
Retention and Disposition of Library and Library System Records

Provides basic information on the retention and disposition of library records.
5 pages

Retention and Disposition 2007
Retention and Disposition of Records: How Long to Keep Records and How to Destroy Them

Explains how to use State Archives retention schedules, develop specialized office retention schedules, and destroy obsolete records.
35 pages

Retention and Disposition 2021
Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records
The Retention and Disposition Schedule for New York Local Government Records (LGS-1) supersedes and replaces the existing schedules
  • CO-2 schedule for counties
  • ED-1 schedule for school districts, BOCES, and other educational governments
  • MU-1 schedule for municipalities, including fire districts
  • MI-1 schedule for all miscellaneous governments

Pages 411

Retention and Disposition 2020
Salvaging Moldy and Contaminated Records

Information on mold and paper records.

Salvaging Moldy and Contaminated Records Disaster Management, Disaster Planning, Disaster Recovery 2012
The Records Lifecycle

All records have a life span. Understanding and applying the records lifecycle concept will help you efficiently and cost effectively manage your records.

Program Administration 2021
Understanding the Importance of Managing Social Media Records

This publication can help you to verify that using social media sites will meet your business needs, and familiarize your organization with the risks associated with the use of these tools.
8 pages

Electronic Records, Active Records 2021
Using a Data Storage Vendor

Provides information to local governments and state agencies about the issues involved in handing over custody and control of data to a vendor or to another government or agency.
1 page

Using a Data Storage Vendor Inactive Records 2009
Using PDF/A as a Preservation Format Using PDF/A as a Preservation Format Electronic Records, Imaging and Microfilming 2013
Working with Disaster Recovery Vendors

Advice on how to work with Disaster Recovery Vendors.

Working with Disaster Recovery Vendors Disaster Management, Disaster Planning, Disaster Recovery 2012