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Archived Governors’ Websites
The site maintained by the Office of the Governor highlights both the speed with which sites can change and the importance of preserving older materials that are no longer part of the live site:
- When Governor Eliot L. Spitzer took office on January 1, 2007, his staff immediately removed all files relating to Governor George E. Pataki and began replacing them with files concerning Governor Spitzer.
- After Governor David A. Paterson was sworn in on March 17, 2008, his staff began removing files relating to Governor Spitzer and started adding material about Governor Paterson.
- When Governor Andrew M. Cuomo took office on January 1, 2011, his staff immediately removed all files relating to Governor Paterson and began replacing them with files concerning Governor Cuomo.
Access Problems Affecting All Archived Websites
When you visit these archived sites, keep in mind that some types of site content cannot be archived properly:
- External hyperlinks (links to content on sites other than the archived site).
- Information that can be accessed only after the user completes a form.
- Most audiovisual materials.
- Some advanced Web formatting and design elements, including external stylesheets and some types of Javascript.
Additional access problems specific to each site are noted below.
Governor George E. Pataki (1995-2006)
Governor Pataki’s archived website
- First governor to have a website.
- Site contains public biographical information, text copies of speeches, select executive orders and other documents, photographs, and other material documenting Governor Pataki’s actions and policies.
- State Archives and State Library captured this site on December 23, 2006. Governor Pataki left office on December 31, 2006.
- Known access problems
- Some hyperlinks on this site, including the main navigational links that appear on the left side of each page, become hard to view after the cursor passes over them; however, the links do work.
- None of the links to audio or video content work.
- None of the “Press Releases” links at the top left of each page work. However, the 1995-2004 releases included in this copy can be accessed online. Researchers should note that as of July 2020, the 2005 and 2006 releases in this copy cannot be accessed. Contact the State Archives for access to paper and electronic copies of Pataki-era press releases not included in this copy.
- You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 or higher to access PDF files included in this site.
Governor Eliot L. Spitzer (2007-2008)
Governor Spitzer’s archived website
- Site contains public biographical information, text copies of speeches, select executive orders and other documents, photographs, and other material documenting Governor Spitzer’s actions and policies.
- State Archives and State Library captured this site on March 16, 2008, the day before Governor Spitzer’s resignation took effect.
- Known access problems
- Some hyperlinks on this site, including the main navigational links that appear on the left side of each page, become hard to view after the cursor passes over them; despite this problem, the links do work.
- Many links to audio and video content do not work; depending upon your computer’s multimedia software and security settings, you may be able to access some audio content.
- Links to the sections of the site concerning First Lady Silda Wall Spitzer and Lieutenant Governor David A. Paterson do not work. However, the State Archives and State Library also archived the Lieutenant Governor and First Lady sections of the site.
- If you attempt to use “Search” box at the bottom left of each page, you will be taken out of the archived site and into the live Office of the Governor site.
- You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 or higher to access PDF files included in this site.
Governor David A. Paterson (2008-2010)
Governor Paterson's archived website
- Site contains public biographical information, text copies of speeches, executive orders and other documents, photographs, and other material documenting Governor Paterson’s actions and policies.
- State Archives and State Library captured this site on December 28, 2010. Governor Paterson left office on December 31, 2010.
- Known access problems
- Only part of the "Straight Talk, Straight Answers" blog, which was part of the Office of the Governor site, was copied successfully. As a result, the complete "Straight Talk, Straight Answers" blog was captured separately.
- The Office of the Governor issued three press releases on December 30, 2010, two days after the Office of the Governor site was copied. As a result, these releases, which concerned a "Secure Communities" immigration enforcement agreement and the Governor's issuance of three pardons, the Governor's appointment of a new chair of the Law Revision Commission, were captured separately.
- If you attempt to use “Search” box at the bottom left of each page, you will be taken out of the archived site and into the live Office of the Governor site.
- You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader 7.0 or higher to access PDF files included in this site.